September 2021 Newsletter
Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome back, we hope you all had a lovely summer. We would like to welcome back all the children and parents returning to playgroup and welcome all the new children and parents joining playgroup.
This term we are re-introducing our book lending rack/basket (what's that I hear you ask?). We have a book rack in the entrance hall at drop off time & a basket of books on the tables with the lunch boxes at pick up time. You & your children are welcome to look through them & choose one to take home to read & share. Then when you are finished with it return it & choose another. You do not need to let us know that you have a book. We will change/add to them on a regular basis. Please ask if there is a particular book/subject your child would like & we will see if we can help! I am also hoping to include a few story bags/sacks in the next couple of weeks.
This term our topic is “All about Me”. We shall be learning all about ourselves, how tall are we? What size are our hands & feet? What makes us different? We will also be looking at our families. Who's in our family? Are they younger/older? We would like the children to bring in photos of themselves as babies & their families including pets, grandparents, aunts, uncles & cousins etc. We shall be learning all about our environment & how it changes with the new season. Along with lots of craft activities.
We will be using the front & back gardens for digging, planting, hunting mini beasts & playing with the sand & water, so please send your child to Playgroup in clothes that you don't mind getting dirty & also footwear/coats that are water proof. As we are due to have sunny weather this week could I also remind you about sun cream & a sun hat/cap.
We would ask that all children have sun screen applied before they come in. Children who are staying all day, will have it reapplied during the afternoon, if they bring in their own named cream/lotion. We will assume that all children are adequately protected from the sun when they step into the playgroup & therefore will be able to play outside in the sun.
Julie would also like to remind everybody, and let the new parents know, that we do like to work with parents and appreciate when parents share exciting things that have happened outside of Playgroup with the key person. If you have any interests or hobbies you would like to share with the children and staff, please feel free to talk to Julie. We still have our sheets for parents and key persons working together for you to stick photos of family pets, trips to zoos and any other exciting happenings that the children or yourselves would like us to know about. We also have our 'WOW' board for all those milestone awards and certificates to be displayed. This board is for you to share any achievements made outside of Playgroup, favourite pets or people, not just of the children, but anyone in the family. If you have a certificate or a picture you would like to share, we would love to put it on display.
Dates for your diary:
Half Term Playgroup Finishes: Friday 15th October 2021
Half Term Playgroup Returns: Monday 1st November 2021
Consultation Evening: Thursday 9th December 2021
Christmas Bazaar (Provisional): Saturday 20th November 2021 ( Time: 12:00pm - 2:00pm )
Nativity Play: Tuesday 14th December 2021 (details to follow)
Christmas Party: Wednesday 15th December 2021 ( Time: 10:00am - 12:00pm)
Song and Colour Schedule
Monday 6th September – Friday 10th September:
Song/Rhyme of the week: The Wheels On The Bus
Colour of the week: Red
Monday 13th September – Friday 17th September:
Song/Rhyme of the week: Polly Put The Kettle On
Colour of the week: Blue
Monday 20th September – Friday 24th September:
Song/Rhyme of the week: Incy Wincy Spider
Colour of the week: Green
Monday 27th September – Friday 1st October:
Song/Rhyme of the week: Jack & Jill
Colour of the week: Yellow
Monday 4th October – Friday 8th October:
Song/Rhyme of the week: One, Two, Three, Four, Five
Colour of the week: Purple
Monday 11th October – Friday 15th October:
Song/Rhyme of the week: Humpty Dumpty
Colour of the week: Orange