September 2020 Newsletter
Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome back, we hope you all had a lovely summer, after such a strange few months. We would like to welcome back all the children and parents returning to playgroup and welcome all the new children and parents joining playgroup.
Life in playgroup will carry on as it always has done, all be it with more hand washing (sterilizing) & cleaning than we know what to do with!! All joking aside we will be working within the Government guidance to keep everyone as safe & healthy as we can. On that note can I please remind you all that it is imperative children only come into playgroup if they are 100% well.
This term our topic is “All about Me”. We shall be learning all about ourselves, how tall are we? What size are our hands & feet? What makes us different? We will also be looking at our families. Who's in our family? Are they younger/older? We would like the children to bring in photos of themselves as babies & their families including pets, grandparents, aunts, uncles & cousins etc. We shall be learning all about our environment & how it changes with the new season. Along with lots of craft activities.
Our “WOW” board for all those awards, photos and certificates to be displayed is still in the hall. This board is for you to share any achievements made outside of Playgroup, favourite pets or people, birthday treats or trips, not just of our children, but anyone in the family. If you have a certificate or a picture you would like to share, we would love to put it on display.
Unfortunately due to the current situation with Covid 19 we are unable to hold our normal calendar of events/meetings. As a charity we still have to hold our committee meetings & yearly AGM. The committee will in the next few weeks look at ways to do this safely. Our Christmas Bazaar will also not take place this year. The playgroup relies on these fund raising events to keep the group a float, so we will be looking at other ways we can safely fund raise. On a brighter note we hope to still have our consultation evenings during November/December. A letter detailing how this will be done will be sent home nearer the time.
Dates for your diary:
Half Term Playgroup finishes: Friday, 16th October 2020
Playgroup Returns: Monday, 2nd November 2020
Christmas Party: Wednesday, 16th December 2020 (Time 10:00 – 12:00)
Julie and staff
Song and Colour Schedule
Monday 7th September – Friday 18th September:
Song of the week: The Wheels On The Bus
Colour of the week: Blue
Monday 21st September – Friday 25th September:
Song of the week: Jack & Jill
Colour of the week: Green
Monday 28th September – Friday 2nd October:
Song of the week: One, Two, Three, Four, Five
Colour of the week: Red
Monday 5th October – Friday 9th October:
Song of the week: Humpty Dumpty
Colour of the week: Purple
Monday 12th October – Friday 16th October:
Song of the week: Incy Wincy Spider
Colour of the week: Yellow