Welcome to Greendown
We provide high quality, inclusive education for pre-school children aged from 2 - 5 years in Grange Park, West Swindon.
Working in partnership with you, the parents and carers to help your children learn and develop.
We are a term time setting offering affordable childcare. We accept children funded for both 15 and 30 hours.
Our core hours are: 8:45 - 2:45
Wrap-around hours: 7:45 - 8:45 (Breakfast)
2:45 - 4:45 (Tea)
For more information about funded places click here
Friday 14th February - End of Spring Term 1
Monday 24th February - Start of Spring Term 2
Monday 10th March - Consultation Evening (details to follow)
“Children are happy and confident in the playgroup and form strong relationships
with staff......Children are inspired and challenged effectively.”